One word - WOLFORD
A friend Introduced me to these a few months ago and Ive never been more delighted!

If you dont already own a pair of these my best advice to go and invest in these!
Now i do love my dunnes own brand velvet tights but for a glamourous feeeeeeellll buy a pair of Velvet de luxe 66 or cotton velvet!
These babies are about 40euro (Stteeeep i know but how many pairs of tights from dunnes or pennies have you bought in the last 6months???) in Harvey Nic's but if fortunately your anywhere in europe You'll pick them up for 25 quid!

Instant Glamour!
They are an Austrian company set up in the 1990's and do tonnes of other hosiery and lingiere but these are by farrrrr my favourite!
Another brand of tights i swear by are TABIO ,these are not as expensive at about £10/12. These are unbelievable aswell, really duriable - as in ive had a grey pair for a year and they havent ripped, got holes in them and ive worn them NON STOP!(Plus i may have slept in them on more than one occassion - i swear to test their duriablity) although you can only get them in London -Kensigton!
Do it do it - Give your legs a treat!