Ok So after that sad intro into 2010 - Im back to discuss everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And oh lordie is there much much much to talk about ..... how about all the seduction colours which have vomited all over every shop ( NOT THAT IM COMPLAINING)... pastels...florals...floaty...shiffon... and the oh so lovely leather and lace WHATS NOT TO LOVE!
How about the ever increasing trend of holes in clothes poping up - IM EVER SO PLEASED
(I think I must of been a bag lady in a previous life, odd because im in love with the french polished look hhmmmm)

Or the over accessorising of literally everything....this is what i like to see yyyyeessssssssss
If ya like it then sure Put a ring on!!!
The fact that leather, the boyfriend jacket, and the ballerina style is here to stay....oooh and they said it would'nt last ... fooooools if its nice KEEP IT
Also a new trend a Premiere Vision this year....the sea creature....im going to take from this Turqouise (because i want too) and some sort of patterns....come on Paris I wear Turqouise every year MON gimme something EXCITING.
How my obseesion with Lou Dillion, chanel, and others has grown.....my my its been awhile.
Enough of my rubbish, on with it............................................