Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I HEART American Apparel!!

Well well well Dia is muire dhuit American Apparel....you have found me at last in Dublin on our lovely emerald isle!Im so delighted its opening so soon and just around the corner for Trinity.

I will never be without good leggings or onesies again!!!!

I would definetly recommend alot of their stuff...although I might be a tad bias as I love plain clothes!
Amoungst other things their hoodies look unreal on both girls and guys, its good quality, comfy, looks great and comes in ever colour under the sun (It has all the hits!).....like a lovely spanx lycra-ie cotton rainbow! Well I might be going abit over the top but hey.

Also its alittle on the high price side considering its just plain basics... but if your going to spend some cash it might aswell be on a basic that you can put with just about anything and somehow they've just got it right with shape ,fabric etc..

So go on in when it opens and check out whats sure to be replacing alot of clothes on dubliners backs this year! (It might even replace the ever repellent eye sore ugg boot A&F look - you never know miracles have happens!)
All in all I love it and have for a long time..... ohhh im gona get me some stretchy clothes!

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