Friday, November 14, 2008

Alber Elbaz

Tulip skirts, oversized beads and the flat pump.....I am guilty guilty guilty of loving all of these items, and if you are among the others who feel the same way inclined, you only have one fabulously talented Israeli man to thank for adding these to our lives and wardrobes!

....And up until recently I had never heard of him - Fore shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spring 2009-Lanvin

Spring 2009-Lanvin

Spring 2009-Lanvin
Alber (Born as "Albert" but he decided it would be far more fashionable and chic when he moved to New York to drop the "t", that and taking up drinking coffee...what a funny little man) Elbaz, has had quite the eclectic career for a fashion Designer.
Summer Collection 2008 - Lanvin
He started off at 18 in the Israeli army, when he returned went to design college, moved to New York and began his path to Lanvin, Paris.
He was famously fired from YSL by Tom Ford, which he has said was one of the lowest times in his life!
But everything happens for a reason and now he's the artistic director for the oldest extant fashion house worldwide, Lanvin in beautiful Paris.
Alber is famously known for his wearable, simple and feminine haute couture featuring feathers, chunky jewellery, sporty tailoring. His style has been embraced by the fashion press and celebrates such as Kate Moss, Nicole Kidman, Chloe Sevigny......

Spring 2009-Lanvin

Spring 2009-Lanvin

Spring 2009-Lanvin

And I love him for this Quote more than anything else:
"One of my biggest fears is arriving to the airport and checking in my suitcase because I never know if I will get it back, and I wear the same clothes, you see, day and night, winter and summer"

This is one of my greatest fears aswell, as any of my friends will tell you after an unfriendly sequence of events travelling to Vancouver a few years ago!!

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