Thursday, January 15, 2009

3.1 Philip Lim

P.s: keep a look out for this guy!

He's quoted as saying "..They want the crazy.." a few days before his spring 2009 collection

And we do!!

So heres a little selection of his more subdued spring collection. It may not be "..the crazy.." but its still fabulous and well put together!

He mixes both women and mens fashion together on the catwalk, giving women boyfriend blazers and the men more affeminate shoes and accessories!

Is he trying to mix the two just alittle bit......i still know the difference Philip Lim!!!!

2009 ...the trendless year!!!??

Ive noticed over the last 6 months with an ever present recession, the catwalks are filled with amazing new clothes of all different origins from sheer fabrics, jewel encrushed dresses and accessories,bold jewellery, sport influenced,Glamour & romance etc..... but it seems ever so mis-matched - MY FAVOURITE!!! yet there seems to be no certain trends as such

How lovely that we are seeing the flea markets, swap shops, vintage shops springing up all over Dublin and Ireland alike! (Such as the Sheeben Chic on geogres street every saturday at 12-4-just one of many)

Vikor& Rolf spring 2009

These are the designs for the new year 2009, its pretty obvious when you look down at a few of these that there is a variety of origins for this year

Vikor& Rolf spring 2009

We are moving into a new exciting fashion period I think, that im sure will be documented and branded in years too come. We've never had so much too choose from 50's, 60's, 70's right through to the current day and never has there been so little inhabitions, about anything really - But does this mean we have been over sensitised??Be there, done that attitude???hhhhhmmmm Doubt it - the love of great fashion will always be there!

John Galliano spring 2009

Marc Jacobs 2009 - instagating a very oriental theme throughout his collection this year
God bless Marc Jacobs,Vivennan Westwood,Balmain and all the rest that instilled our mixed matched culture!

Dolce & Gabanna 2009

Dolce & Gabanna 2009 - also with an oriental or asian twist, with the silk fabrics and structures of the sleeves and pants they have designed

Chole spring ready to wear 2009 - the colours are always fresh and clean with chole

Chole spring ready to wear 2009

Chole spring ready to wear 2009 -I may have liked the chole collection this year A SMALL BIT

Shabby homeless chic? I very much like it... - Burberry 2009

Burberry 2009
Balmain 2009

Balmain 2009

That was just alittle bit of the mix matched fashion about the catwalks
Although I was very much looking forward to and a little disappointed with Luella - it was really sad, maybe because her idea of geek chic is everywhere now we are so used to seeing what shes capable of ..... damn maybe she has a few suprises in store for summer, fingers toes and legs crossed!
Also Jil Sander not that amazing but she did have a few unique dresses
Happy new year too us!!!Bring on timeless individual fashion